Proven ways that get rid of spot scars
Walking around with spot scars is quite disturbing. When these scars find their way to the face after a lesion disease or other causative infections, it's even more disturbing. Even then, knowing that there are different ways you can use to get rid of these scars is a relief. This article gives you some of the most effective, scientifically tested and safe ways to deal with spot scars.
Improving skin care
One of the most common causes of spot scars is poor skin care. In fact, many of those who suffer from a form of skin scarring only show when their skins are not well taken care of. To stem this, research has shown that concerted skin care programs like sunscreen in the morning, exfoliation, etc. play a great deal in the scar/spot disappearance.
Use of bleaching elements
Bleaching plays a crucial role in helping your skin get rid of scars. Spot scars, especially dark ones exist because of a change in skin pigmentation. Using a lightening agent plays its role in twofold. First, the bleach removes the darkening or coloring pigment restoring skin color to normal and two, it enables the bodies grow new skin that enables one to live without the spots. The most common lightener is hydroquinone. Whereas its not the best for all skin lightening purposes, hydroquinone works well on spot scar removal or fading.
Chemical peel agents
Different spots are etiological in different manner. Some spot scars are on the body as a result of chemical changes. There are different chemical peeling procedures you can use, of course prescribed by a watchful physician or skin experts to get rid of the spots. Most chemical peel agents contain glycolic acid, phenols and a few weak acids and hence safe for the general body functioning. Although quite irritating, this procedure works well in restoring your skin color.
Laser therapy
There are many dermatologists who have seconded and supported the use of laser to treat spots, whether caused by scars or other hazards. Since laser is radiation, the target for this procedure is cells located deep in the skin. Laser therapy affects deeper tissues enabling your body to get rid of the superficial spot scars. Even then, it's important to note that, laser therapy on scars is not a procedure that is right for everyone. You have to seek adequate medical advice before you try it as an option.
Prescription creams
Nowadays, because of the advancement in technology and skin care, there are different types of prescription drugs and creams you can use to get rid of spot scars. Tretinoin cream is among the many prescription creams on the market whose effectiveness has been praised by patients and dermatologists alike. Most of these creams work by affecting the skin hormones and enzymes, mainly to stimulate collagen production. When collagen production is increased, the most likely outcome is the lightening of the spots. It's critical to note that, whereas prescription creams have been known to work in the past, there is evidence that shows catastrophic effects when dosages are not followed. Also beware of untested prescription drugs doing rounds in the market. Read more on this web page.